Being Aware of the Root of Bitterness and how to Change Your Attitude
Information form the third session of Transformed by Grace by Dr. R. Benton Ruth at Madison Park Church on January 23, 2013
Information from this session includes:
Critical re-enforcement of Emotional Maturity in Relational Interactions
1. CONTEXT will define your DEFAULT POINT in the LEVELS of Interaction (where you start)
2. ALL perceptions pass through the RAS (Reticular Activity System)–ALWAYS
3. An instantaneous REVIEW will define the “threat factor”
4. A perception can become a “stressor” and automatically lead to a L-1 and/or a L-2 reaction
5. All “unresolved conflicts” become a FEEDER SYSTEM (the source of reactionary process)
6. At L-2 the “filtering system” (depending on the level or threat/stressor) will determine the REACTION-RESPONSE activity:
a) Re-frame (an attempt to “redeem” one’s response) It is a “conscious” response (+) (the intelligent and mature response that will prompt upward mobility in the Levels)
b) Refrain: “Do nothing” (flee)—either “I am too afraid” or “I don’t KNOW what to do” (sometimes, it can be the right thing to do so as not to escalate the emotions or become Negative)
c) Retaliate (fight)….REACTION is unconscious (Default Reaction to intense threat)A person MUST be “totally conscious” to apply their “Emotional Intelligence” (to know what is taking place based on intentional knowledge: “ I want to know”
7. A person MUST be “totally conscious” to apply their “Emotional Intelligence” (to know what is taking place based on intentional knowledge: “ I want to know”
8. Emotional Maturity: the corrective/redemptive/healing response to de-escalate the stress of “perceived threat” (real or imagined threat)
9. Resolved Conflicts become a source of information to “re-wire the brain” when intentionally re-enforced in the Conscious Mind (operated by the level of Emotional Intelligence and Maturity)
10. Constant re-enforcement will increase the level of Maturity and (based on DECISIONS made) will by-pass L-1 and L-2 to a more “appropriate level” of response (vs. being “reactionary)
11. Re-framing will lead to an “automatic” response when re-enforced and made very conscious as an “appropriate option” (especially in relationships)
12. Habituation of “appropriate responses” facilitates greater Maturity of interactions
13. Consistent application of Spiritual Disciplines can insure “growth in Grace” to establish a gracious attitude combined with assured development of Emotional Intelligence and Maturity.
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